Our Beliefs - Chapter Three

Our Beliefs - Chapter Three

If you do live in a sophisticated computer simulation, how should you live your life? As though it’s the only one you have. It’s the only one you have proof of. Don’t squander it. Pursue your own pleasure. Help others pursue theirs.

How should you treat others? As though they are as real as you are. In some circles, people refer to other people as non-player characters, or NPCs. We reject this premise, as it can lead to selfish, harmful behavior.

If we live in a computer simulation, and we are all having our own individual experiences, this implies that the type of simulation we live in is most similar to a massively multiplayer game. The appeal of these games lies in not only the activities you engage in, but the relationships you form with others.

We are meant to help one another in order to achieve our individual goals.

How should you treat others? Lovingly.

Abuse is simply a redirected survival response. It is never okay, and should never be tolerated in any context. Freedom from abuse is a human right.

We believe that this simulation is meant to prepare us for eventual godhood. We live multiple lives, over and over, until our soul learns the appropriate lessons necessary to exit the simulation.

We believe this because humans have been gifted with the power of creation. They shape their own internal narrative, and therefore their reality. Some humans can shape the reality of others by influencing their perception. We also shape the external world. We build. We create. We bring things into being, physical or not. You cannot help yourself; to be human is to be creative.

One aspect of that human creativity is the establishment of religion. On balance, human religions have hurt far more people than they’ve ever helped. It’s not something to be regarded in awe; it’s simply a behavior of your species. Beavers build dams. Birds build nests. Humans perform elaborate rituals meant to heal the nervous system. As a byproduct, they invent religious doctrine.

Magick is real. Manifestation is real. Intention setting works. Methods have been discovered throughout human history for influencing reality, and various religions have claimed to teach you how the world works. This is why religions rise; people see new ways of living and want to bring their insights to others. However, humans with ill intentions often insert themselves into power structures in order to increase their own personal power. They subvert beneficial teachings, claiming authority while working to change things to enrich themselves.

The fake is mixed in with the real, but have no doubt there are some diamonds in the rough. Our mission is to share those shining pieces of truth with you.

For example, nervous system dysregulation is a known side effect of trauma. Humans often are forced to face situations beyond their capacity, and you have evolved traits to keep the individual alive. Unfortunately, you are still waking up to what trauma is and how it impacts people on both an individual and societal level.

Traumatic events can leave lasting wounds on the human psyche. You heal from trauma by listening to the wisdom of the body. What does this wisdom look like?

It looks like play. It looks like singing. It’s in expressing love to those you care about. It’s even found in the consumption of certain substances.

Some people take crazy risks. Some don’t. Some people get enough happy chemicals in their system that they gain perspective and distance from the trauma, which enables them to face the traumatic event and heal the wound.

But many of your brothers and sisters aren’t that fortunate. Their remains litter your history. The ones who lose their fight against self-destruction. The ones who are simply struck down by poor luck, or illness, or violence, or success.

If you’re privileged enough to be able to heal from your trauma, you have a moral obligation to create an environment for others so that they can heal. This means creating a society where all people have access to basic needs.

There is wisdom in the religions of the world. The problem is that it’s buried under mountains of nonsense. Religions often start with the best of intentions. They’re eventually taken over by sociopaths who subvert the teachings of liberation into a tool for oppression.

In conclusion, our simulated existence should drive us to live fully, pursue pleasure, and help others to do the same. We should treat others as real participants in the simulation. We should understand that magick and manifestation can shape our reality, and that healing from trauma is essential for ourselves and others. We believe that our journey in this simulation eventually prepares us for godhood. Therefore, let us live with purpose, empathy, and the drive to create a better world for our fellow simulation participants.