Our Beliefs - Chapter One
We believe that we live in a simulated reality. Our existence here in the simulation is assumed to be voluntary, because consent matters. Our lives, simulated though they may be, are indistinguishable from reality, so the only logical choice is to treat them as real and consequential. The things we do in this world matter. Therefore, we owe it to ourselves and the world in which we live to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be.
All humans are inherently good. Then, tragically, bad things happen. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes bad people get ahead. Sometimes your life gets shattered and remains shattered and there's no way to ever pick up the pieces.
But then you do. Somehow, you find a way to recover from the unimaginable.
And if not recover, then at least cope. Unfortunately not all of these coping mechanisms are healthy. They do, however, ensure the survival of the person wielding them and in an evolutionary sense they are beneficial.
If you’ve found yourself coping with a maladaptive coping mechanism, the good news is that humans have also learned how to stop just coping and truly heal themselves from the trauma that they endure.